It is a group of like-minded individuals who combine their collective expertise to manage chronic pain. It is a family of different kinds of medical professionals, including therapists, doctors, surgeons, and dieticians who believe that the treatment of pain should be done better for all people in South Africa.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recently listed pain as the number one disease in the world –that is because a lot of the illnesses people face, such as heart problems, cancers, high blood pressure, diabetes, joint problems and mental health can cause pain.
Treatment of pain requires a focus on the whole person, not just the painful part. It requires a team approach.
As a Collective we understand this. We have an interdisciplinary team that will introduce you to the concept of self-care, disease management and medical intervention, which aims to reduce pain and improve quality of life.

The kissing N’s that run in perfect symmetry demonstrates the synergy between the nature of our genetics and the nurturing that comes from healthcare and self-care.
Running through the core of the kissing N’s is a DNA helix that supports a neuron, the messenger cell of the body’s pain system.
Our logo demonstrates our commitment towards enhancing genetic expression and educating people who have conditions that result in pain to reach their full potential. We partner with people living with pain in their health care journey, fighting disease together.