‘Mind, body and soul are like a musical ensemble. Each must be finely tuned, well-nourished, diligently practiced and lovingly maintained in order to reach full potential’.

Depression and anxiety are often referred to as the unwelcome companions of chronic pain. Research shows that people who suffer from chronic pain are four times more likely to develop depression and anxiety than those who are pain-free. Because chronic pain and mental illness share biological mechanisms in the brain, depression can change the way in which the brain processes pain signals, making the person more sensitive to pain. Pain may even be a symptom of a mental health condition. A healthy mind equals a healthy body. Work with our interdisciplinary team to heal your mind and your body.

Self-management means becoming an expert on your own health and how to live your best life despite a chronic condition. Effective self-management of pain includes lifestyle modification, pain education, physical activity, and mind-body therapies. We run self-management programmes at our clinics to teach you more about how pain may influence your life and what you can do to take back control. Topics covered in these classes include pain neuroscience, stress & anxiety, diet, exercise, sleep and medication management.Â

Mindfulness is the ability to pay attention without judgement, on purpose, to the present moment, and is an evidence-based approach to the management of chronic pain. This technique focuses on using your senses to ground you in the present and to allow yourself headspace in a busy world. When dealing with chronic pain, we can often battle with worrisome or even catastrophising thoughts. These negative thoughts can impact our mood and emotional wellbeing. This then triggers our threat response which can cause or worsen pain and affect our behaviour. This cycle can become difficult to escape without help. TRAIN YOUR BRAIN TO FOCUS LESS ON PAIN.
“Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why we call it The Present".
- Eleanor Roosevelt

Relaxation therapy consists of specific therapeutic techniques that are used to reduce muscle tension and stress, lower blood pressure, and control pain. These techniques are often used in combination with mindfulness, exercise, medication and pain procedures to reduce pain and allow you to get back to doing the things you want to and have to do.

Did you know that exercise can help improve mental health? Even a short burst of just 10 minutes of brisk walking increases your mental alertness, energy and positive mood. Participation in regular physical activity can increase your self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety. Twenty minutes of exercise could help to reduce inflammation. This is because it reduces the number of immune cells producing pro-inflammatory proteins.